Building a Better Tomorrow
Author | Consultant | Speaker
As an author, consultant, educator, and speaker, it brings me joy to empower others as we go through a process to develop, write, and achieve their personal and professional goals. My mission is to equip clients with the tools needed to begin the journey towards their personal definition of success.
With over 13 years in education, I have worked with teachers, teacher leaders, aspiring authors, and others to conduct group and individualized professional development and coaching to reach desired outcomes by unlocking opportunities for growth and success. It’s time to dare to dream and achieve those outcomes whether in your personal or professional life!

While teaching, I quickly discovered that there were not enough books representing children of color. As a result, have seized the window of opportunity to become an author of children’s books. My books serve a three-fold purpose of educating, entertaining and empowering young children while inspiring them to embrace self-love and build family traditions.
I serve as a mentor and volunteer through various service organizations and was recently recognized as a Forty Under 40 recipient for making exceptional contributions to my professional field and within local and global communities.